Friday, 9 November 2012

Season 8

Hey Guys, Sorry i haven't really been active much,  just been so busy latey, and have also been keeping up with the Newest Episodes of Season 8. I hope everyone has the same opinion as me right now, it's better than i thought it was going to be with Alex Blake.

The Good Earth has got to be my favorite so far, and then the ending with the softball game. Henry is the cutest ever, specially when he dresses up as Reid. 

Here's the baseball GIF Image though.

Look at the cuteness >.<

 Check out the Criminal Minds Tumblr Tag for more recent images of the episodes.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Criminal Minds Season 8!

It's back and better than ever!

It's finally here, the wait is over, Criminal Minds is now back for Season 8 starring the new cast member Jeanne Tripplehorn! The character is actually better than i thought, and im starting to like her! I can sense some creepy storyline appearing on our screens, specially that there's a stalker on the lose!

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Criminal Minds Behind The Scene's Look - End Again - Seven Stories

This video is basically a running commentary of what the finale was about, including Erica Messer, Virgil Williams, AJ Cook and Paget. It is rather sad when they talk about Paget leaving, but they'll always keep in contact. I am rather looking forward to see what our newest member brings to the team, and it's a new start for the family. 

Criminal Minds Season 7 Gag Reel Video

Here's the gag reel video from last season! Enjoy the laughs!

Criminal Minds Season 8 Promo!

 You've all been waiting for the return, well - it's soon! 
here's the promo clip if you haven't already saw it on tumblr, or twitter

Friday, 31 August 2012

Criminal Minds Confessions

We have made more confessions that we received on tumblr, please do check our tumblr for information on how to submit them, and when we are online if you want to submit, or ask anything :) but here's more confessions, just going to put them all together, makes our life and your's easier :)

 Angel from the episode 'Foundation' was my favorite victim - Anon

though i think the show is very realistic, i cant help but find the fact that they deliver the profile one line at a time a little ridiculous. Its the most staged and least effiecent way to do it - Anon 

 It makes me sad that over the course of season 8 the writers toy with the Garcia/Morgan Relationship. I personally ship this so hard but the writers tease me! I think that Garcia and Morgan would be incredible together - Anon

I could never watch any of the Seaver episodes because i hated her character so much. Just seeing her makes me mad because it reminds me that we almost lost JJ on the show for good. - I-am-the-wallace {via tumblr} 

CM 30 Day Challenge - Day 30 - Something you learned from watching the show?

Something i have learned, I've learned a few things actually.

1. Life quotes from the beginning and end of the episodes can always some how relate to you, what ever mood you're in, you can pin point it on a certain part of your life and say, 'That's how i feel right now'.

2. Profiling people is a good way to sues out what's wrong or if somethings wrong. Sure you may feel bad for doing it to your friends, but if they don't let you in, you won't be able to help them.

3. I can have feelings for fictional characters ;)

4. Thing's in life happen for a reason, you never know when something could happen, but there's always a reason behind why it did, and that it can change a person dramatically.

CM 30 Day Challenge - Day 29 - Have you considered an FBI career because of this show?

Yes actually, i have.

My mind is now set on wanting to be a Forensic Scientist. From watching this show and other crime shows, forensics just interests me for some reason, i don't know why it does, but it makes me want to learn more about it and study it, even though I'm not usually good with blood, as i nearly collapsed when i watched someone getting their bloods taken at the doctors. But yeah, i want to be a Forensic Scientist now because of Criminal Minds, and it's helped me with school as well...I'll be able to put my Biology, Chemistry and Modern Studies stuff to work :)

CM 30 Day Challenge - Day 28 - How would you end the show?

Personally, i would end the show on a happy note. People falling in love, babies, blah blah blah. But as it's a crime show i'd have to get an unsub involved some how, like plotting a murder or something. But i think if it was the last ever episode it should ends happily, We see how Emily is getting on seen as she has left, and how she is coping in London Town, maybe also find out if Hotch and Beth have tied the knot or something? Who knows, we'll just have to see!

CM 30 Day Challenge - Day 27 - What would you want to see in a Criminal Minds movie?

In a Criminal Minds: The Movie, i would like to see old people back, Like we get to see where Gideon got to, and what he was doing that day, how Elle was and how had her life changed since she left the BAU/FBI. Bring back Paget for a reunion for the team, and progress the characters relationships personally, i.e GET MORGAN AND GARCIA TOGETHER, LIKE NOW!! but yeah, it would be nice seeing the old cast back, i know i say i didn't like them during the show, but opinions change... *good save* Just kidding, i love Lola and Mandy and i wished they would have stayed on a little further in the show.

CM 30 Day Challenge - Day 26 - Favorite Hotch episode?

Favorite Hotchner episode is also a hard one for me, but it would have to be...either 100 or The Slave of Duty, god don't get me started on them episodes, let's just say i used up a box of tissues half way through 100. Jack is just adorable in them, and Foyets all up in Hotch's business what makes you want to pull his head off, But yeah, it would need to be those to for me.

CM 30 Day Challenge - Day 25 - Favorite Reid episode?

Ohhhhh, favorite Reid episode....Hmmmm....hard one this because i adore Reid much. I admire how geeky he is, and i love the fact that he is really smart and all, i personally prefer Reid over Morgan, but they both of them seem to claim my heart each time :)

But my favorite Reid episode would need to be, True Genius...just because i cried in Revelations/The Big Game (who didn't) but yeah True Genius is my favorite one, i like the ending with the birthday cake and stuff so yeah :) its a happy episode, even though people have died.

CM 30 Day Challenge - Day 24 - Favorite character quote?

My favorite quote would have to be the one at the very end of the season 7 finale, that is said by Emily Prentiss. It's so true, and amazing how relevant they are to you at certain times in your life, "I've always heard every ending is also a new beginning, we just don't know it at the time, I'd like to believe that's true." 

I've probably already used this picture but it's just amazing, so ima use it again any way :D don't judge me, the womens gorgeous!

Monday, 27 August 2012

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 23 - Favorite personal interaction between characters?

My favourite personal interaction between characters would have to be the most ovbious one of them all, the phone call between Garcia and Morgan. I just think that tops their friendship more, just how they talk to each other, and how close they are. It's just one of the strongest friendships on the team, along with Derek and Emily's. 

Friday, 17 August 2012

Lack of Posts

ok guys, i know i know, i haven't updated in a while. There's reasons why to that.

1. I forgot the password to the account sign in stuff
2. I've been busy with family and stuff
3. WIFI and internet has been messed up recently
4. Web browser runs slow, so i'm using a whole new one

But i'm back now hopefully, i think i now owe you up until the end of the Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge and a few other posts. We haven't been doing the confessions as much either, i think i have a few that needs to be made and posted on tumblr and here, so i'll do that sometime soon as well.

Just thanks for bearing with me and the site! 

Emma x 

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 22 - Favorite Prentiss Episode


Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 21 - An episode that made you cry?

An episode? are you joking me? i can't chose one episode from the 162 that have been aired! there's flipping millions of one's I've cried at! Ok, prepare yourself for the list...NOW!

  • Profiler, Profiled 2x12 
  • Revelations 2x15
  • Demonology 5x17
  • 100 5x09 (part 2)
  • The Slave of Duty 5x10 
  • JJ 6x02
  • Valhalla 6x17 (part 1)
  • Lauren 6x18 (part 2)
  • The Company 7x20
  • Hit 7x23 (part 1)
  • Run 7x24 (part 2)

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 20 - Favorite Morgan Episode?

Favorite Morgan episode would be 'The Company' Season 7 episodes 20 or 21 i not entirely sure but that's my favorite one. i don't know why, just him and Garcia at the end, and just him altogether in that episode :) The picture :( he's nearly crying...

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 19 - Grossest/Most disturbing Case?t

I found the "To Hell & Back episodes disturbing, i mean, feeding people to pigs? crazy, and very gross...i felt sorry at the end when you saw all the shoes in rows :( and for the brother of the girl, so sad, and Morgan, oh my emotions!

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 18 - Most interesting case?

Hmmm, hard question again. I think all the cases are interesting, i mean, you learn stuff from each and every one of them. I found the Tabula Rasa case interesting, learning about the culture and stuff :)

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 17 - Least Favourtie episode

Hmmmm...least favorite episode...i don't think there is one. I love all the Criminal Minds episodes....but i think the one i dislike the most would be the first. You say that with every TV series though...then you end up getting hooked to it :D

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge- Day 16 - Elle Greenway or Emily Prentiss?

I think i've already mentioned this one. Emily Prentiss all the way! She's such a better profiler than Elle was, she's a better member to the team, she is just amazing. I'd pick her over Elle any day :) Elle i didn't really like, she just was really quiet with the team and didn't quite open up, to be honest...i was happy when she left.

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 15 - David Rossi or Jason Gideon?

This isn't a hard one to answer for me. David Rossi all the way! He's so much better than Gideon ever was. He's got a better relationship with the team. He's so much better in every way. But yeah, David Rossi is my man :)

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 14 - Favourite Quote?

Ok, the answer to this is not actually a quote, is. You'll see why i said that in a minute. But my favourite quote has got to be......

"I've always heard every ending is also a new beginning, we just don't know it at the time, I'd like to believe that's true." - Emily Prentiss, Episode Run 7x24

I just loved that bit so much and cried so hard at those wedding scene's, im so sad that's she's left, but i think she has done the right thing. :] Will forever love Paget Brewster.

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 13 - Favourite Couple?

Well, considering there are hardly any couples on this, i am not saying Hotch and Beth for my answer, because i would be lying if i told you i liked them. So, My favourite couple is JJ and Will, they are amazing and have little Henry as well, they are just so perfect for each other, even though I shipped her and Reid for a while. But you're allowed to ship people right, i mean, i have a huge list of people. :D

Friday, 27 July 2012

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 12 - Least Favourite Male Character?

I had always hated Gideon with a passion, he ALWAYS led the team and I thought that wasn’t fair on Hotch and the rest of the team. He said Prentiss wouldn't be good in the field *cough* She was there longer than you *cough* .... *cough* She came back after being stabbed by an unsub *cough*. I hated when Gideon just ran away, without saying bye to Spencer, and the rest of the team, and it was a bit unfair that only Hotch knew he was gone.

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challeneg - Day 11 - Favourite Male Character

My Favourite male character has obviously got to be Derek Morgan, even though I LOVE Spencer, wait, i love them equally but i think i love Morgan a bit more, but much love to our 'Boy Genius' :D I love it when Derek and Garcia have those phone calls, I always find them the cutest ever! and in the episode 'The Company' the ending :} n'awwwww, made me cry nearly :) t'was cute

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 10 - Least Favourite Un-sub?

I think i might get hated on for saying this, but my least favourite unsub would have to be George Foyet. Why you ask? I hated that he made hotch lose Haley – even though they were divorced, im glad Hotch killed him though. Foyet made his life hell and he deserved what Hotch did to him. And that photo i chose is creepy, so ima wrap this up quick :D

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 9 - Favourite Un-sub?

Ok, so favourite unsub? Hmmmmmmm, i know everyone normally says Foyet for this question but for me, my favourite un-sub would have to be…Ian Doyle. Just because of the interesting past he had with Prentiss’ fake identity ‘Lauren Reynolds’ and just how he came back seeking revenge, i think we looked more into his story with the 4 episode leading up to the 6x18 'Lauren' episode, than we did with 'The Fox' and 'The Boston Reaper aka George Foyet'. So Ian's my favourite unsub, you'll need to see the next answer,'s least favourite!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 8 - Favourite Garcia/Morgan moment?

Ok, tough question much. ALL Morgan/Garcia moments are my favourite! Their just amazing the way they are with each other. But....In the newest episode {Snake Eye's 7x14} where Garcia and Kevin had a fight and Morgan came over and watched a movie with her, and when she woke up he stepped out her shower, Thats for me, was the best Morgan/Garcia moment, not just because it's shemar moore standing in a towel, but because there was no questions asked. 
I love Morgan/Garcia friendship, i wish i had one like it myself.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Criminal Minds Confesions

Here's another confession for you all, only one today :[ hopefully have more tomorrow!

Though  i love Garcia and Derek, i can't help but imagine a Spencer and Derek Relationship. I think it would turn out fantastic! - Rayne {Via Tumblr - }

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challegne - Day 7 - You’ve been kid-napped, the BAU are doing victimology on you, what do they find in your room?

i feared this one would come. Ok, there is gonna be a huge list but...first of all, i'd like to post a picture of myself :D just saw y'all know what i look like and so on. So yeah that's me below, Hi! :D
If the team where doing victimology on me they'd find, alot of makeup, some hair stuff, alot of video games, hundreds of DVD’s, Music CD's, school stuff, posters of bands and singers like paramore, the midnight beast, olly murs, and so on, clothes, drama makeup i.e theatre arts stuff, fake blood, face paints, wigs and costumes, and so on,  a lot of teddy’s also, a lot of shoes and bags, paper with quotes on them, my laptop and computer, and photo albums. I like to keep my room messy so that i find stuff easier, so the only thing the wouldn't find is a way out :D

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Criminal Minds Confession

Here's the second confession of the day :]

Seeing Hotch Cry is like seeing a rock cry. It should never ever happen. And it just feels like you can't fix it but you just want to hold it and never let go </3 -Anon {Via Tumblr}

Criminal Minds Confessions

Here's more confessions for ya :]

I feel like the show started to go downhill during season 5. I still watch it but i mourn the loss of the brilliance that was season 1-4. -Anon {Via Tumblr}

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 6 - Favourite place the BAU has visited?

 I loved the episode in season 7 - was it 'There's no place like home' it was called?....Any way, when they went to the place the unsub was using the hurricane to disguise the killings, that was amazing, when they were actually in the storm and had to hide in the shelter place + the ending to that one made me cry! I don't know why this is my favourite place but, i guess it's because of the Hurricane, im fascinated by them :p yes, i am weird, i know that :D

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Happy Birthday AJ!

As i am fro the UK it was....02:39 when i typed the time there. 

Which means it is officially AJ Cook's birthday!

So Happy Birthday AJ, Hope it's a good one and that you don't party to hard! You look as young as ever!

- Emma x

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Least Favourite Female Character?

My least favourite female charracter....Hmmmm, i have two, cannot chose which i hate more, but it has to be Elle or Strauss – Elle because she just never felt right being in the team and she was always so distant and never shared a lot with the them, and Strauss because she is just so sneaky and so annoying when she needs someone to do her dirty work for her, specially when she asked Prentiss to basically spy on Hotch even when she knew about Gideon, and Reid with his drug problem, and she had only been in the team for how long at that point?

Friday, 20 July 2012

Criminal Minds Confession

Here's another Confession for you today. 

I think we should have more of this Hotch, Me likey the non-suit wardrobe. - @Criminal_Minder (Twitter)

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 4 - Favourite Female Character

 My favourite female character would have to be the one and only, Emily Prentiss. She’s just so flawless and amazing and gorgeous and a bad-ass and did I mention she is just pretty amazing. I've loved this character since Paget first started the show and when they killed her off in season 6 I was devastated, mostly annoyed at CBS but then they brought her back, which i was happy about and now she’s left again…but I'm glad she's going to be doing different things, i mean, she was on Criminal Minds for how long, 6 years? That's a long time to put up with doing the same thing. Although as I'm happy that she's pursuing other thing, It made me depressed the first i heard she was leaving because I'm so much in love with this show and it's characters, and i was semi-depressed when she ‘died’ back in season 6. But Emily Prentiss all the way!

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Criminal Minds Confession

Here's the second confession of the day, we need more so send them to us on twitter and Tumblr! Still give credit to anon's if you send via ask box.

Tumblr -

i can't understand why people hate will. I read all these fanfictions about him leaving JJ, Cheating on her, and ever after the finale, so many about how JJ 'realised she'd married the wrong person'. I LOVE the JJ/Will relationship. He's been nothing but sweet to her, and you could tell in 'In Heat' that he wanted nothing more than to win her heart. 

JJ/Will ALL THE WAY! - Anon

Criminal Minds Confession

Another 2 confessions for you today, here's the first.

The finale was beautiful, i liked how everyone got their screen time, Emily, JJ and Will, the bank robbers, Rossi and Strauss, and then Hotch and Emily at JJ/Will's wedding. Absolutely gutted she's left though. - Emma

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 3 - Favourite Guest Star?

My favourite guest star would have to be Jane Lynch as Diana Reid (Spencer's Mom) – its nice how they showed that Spencer had to look after his mother when he was younger because his father left, and also that he has to juggle work around too to go and see her, and just that special bond he has with her, it just makes me go ‘awwwwwww’ - just a shame that she's not gonna be coming back into any episodes, or wait....will she?

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Criminal Minds Confession

Here's another one that has been sent to us.

 I feel like I'm the only one who severely misses Gideon, even though he was only on for two seasons or so, he had some of the strongest episodes in the earlier seasons, like 'Riding The Lightning' - which for me was only topped by the episode '100' - Nred3 (On Tumblr)

Criminal Minds Confession

Here's another Criminal Minds Confession that has been sent in.

I wish Reid would find someone who will stay wth him, and not just be a one episode thing, like Lila or a thing like whatever he had with JJ. - JustDanAxel (On Twitter)

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 2 - What Season Did You Start Watching?

I started watching season 3 because my mum got me watching the show one night when t was on. And ever since then i've been hooked. Although, i did watch it from Season 3 to Season 7 but while they took the breaks, i began watching Seasons 1&2 because i missed them. I don't think it really matters what season you start from, but it's best to follow the story from the very start. 

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Criminal Minds Confessions

Here's the first of the Criminal Minds Confessions. People send them to me through my tumblr account i got set up for them, and they either use their tumblr or twitter names, some are anon, but i still give credit to them. So check out the tumblr for sending them.

I absolutely adore Morgan and Garcia's friendship. When she had a fight with Kevin and he came over to comfort her, no questions asked. I think it's the perfect friendship. -Anon

The Criminal Minds Chat Room w/ Breen

Well this is a random post, but ima share it any way :] I don't remember the exact date this was but...this was the Breen Frazier (Writer for Criminal Minds) chat room pictures. Now, as i stay in the UK our time zone is ahead of the American's, it was 2am here and 4 in the afternoon there, i had stayed up hoping to get atleast into the chat, but i got more than i asked for. Yes, Breen answered my question i think everyone wanted answered. So here are some pictures of the very very long answer he replied with :] Sorry for poor quality photo's, iphones have crappy camera's xD