Saturday 4 August 2012

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 21 - An episode that made you cry?

An episode? are you joking me? i can't chose one episode from the 162 that have been aired! there's flipping millions of one's I've cried at! Ok, prepare yourself for the list...NOW!

  • Profiler, Profiled 2x12 
  • Revelations 2x15
  • Demonology 5x17
  • 100 5x09 (part 2)
  • The Slave of Duty 5x10 
  • JJ 6x02
  • Valhalla 6x17 (part 1)
  • Lauren 6x18 (part 2)
  • The Company 7x20
  • Hit 7x23 (part 1)
  • Run 7x24 (part 2)

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