Friday 9 November 2012

Season 8

Hey Guys, Sorry i haven't really been active much,  just been so busy latey, and have also been keeping up with the Newest Episodes of Season 8. I hope everyone has the same opinion as me right now, it's better than i thought it was going to be with Alex Blake.

The Good Earth has got to be my favorite so far, and then the ending with the softball game. Henry is the cutest ever, specially when he dresses up as Reid. 

Here's the baseball GIF Image though.

Look at the cuteness >.<

 Check out the Criminal Minds Tumblr Tag for more recent images of the episodes.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Criminal Minds Season 8!

It's back and better than ever!

It's finally here, the wait is over, Criminal Minds is now back for Season 8 starring the new cast member Jeanne Tripplehorn! The character is actually better than i thought, and im starting to like her! I can sense some creepy storyline appearing on our screens, specially that there's a stalker on the lose!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Criminal Minds Behind The Scene's Look - End Again - Seven Stories

This video is basically a running commentary of what the finale was about, including Erica Messer, Virgil Williams, AJ Cook and Paget. It is rather sad when they talk about Paget leaving, but they'll always keep in contact. I am rather looking forward to see what our newest member brings to the team, and it's a new start for the family. 

Criminal Minds Season 7 Gag Reel Video

Here's the gag reel video from last season! Enjoy the laughs!

Criminal Minds Season 8 Promo!

 You've all been waiting for the return, well - it's soon! 
here's the promo clip if you haven't already saw it on tumblr, or twitter

Friday 31 August 2012

Criminal Minds Confessions

We have made more confessions that we received on tumblr, please do check our tumblr for information on how to submit them, and when we are online if you want to submit, or ask anything :) but here's more confessions, just going to put them all together, makes our life and your's easier :)

 Angel from the episode 'Foundation' was my favorite victim - Anon

though i think the show is very realistic, i cant help but find the fact that they deliver the profile one line at a time a little ridiculous. Its the most staged and least effiecent way to do it - Anon 

 It makes me sad that over the course of season 8 the writers toy with the Garcia/Morgan Relationship. I personally ship this so hard but the writers tease me! I think that Garcia and Morgan would be incredible together - Anon

I could never watch any of the Seaver episodes because i hated her character so much. Just seeing her makes me mad because it reminds me that we almost lost JJ on the show for good. - I-am-the-wallace {via tumblr} 

CM 30 Day Challenge - Day 30 - Something you learned from watching the show?

Something i have learned, I've learned a few things actually.

1. Life quotes from the beginning and end of the episodes can always some how relate to you, what ever mood you're in, you can pin point it on a certain part of your life and say, 'That's how i feel right now'.

2. Profiling people is a good way to sues out what's wrong or if somethings wrong. Sure you may feel bad for doing it to your friends, but if they don't let you in, you won't be able to help them.

3. I can have feelings for fictional characters ;)

4. Thing's in life happen for a reason, you never know when something could happen, but there's always a reason behind why it did, and that it can change a person dramatically.