Friday 20 July 2012

Criminal Minds 30 Day Challenge - Day 4 - Favourite Female Character

 My favourite female character would have to be the one and only, Emily Prentiss. She’s just so flawless and amazing and gorgeous and a bad-ass and did I mention she is just pretty amazing. I've loved this character since Paget first started the show and when they killed her off in season 6 I was devastated, mostly annoyed at CBS but then they brought her back, which i was happy about and now she’s left again…but I'm glad she's going to be doing different things, i mean, she was on Criminal Minds for how long, 6 years? That's a long time to put up with doing the same thing. Although as I'm happy that she's pursuing other thing, It made me depressed the first i heard she was leaving because I'm so much in love with this show and it's characters, and i was semi-depressed when she ‘died’ back in season 6. But Emily Prentiss all the way!

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